Join the community
Would you like to be a part of UCT’s largest student society?
Joining the GCI could mean a number of things, from simply being a member of our mailing list to spearheading a brand-new project. It really depends on how involved you want to be! The GCI is a volunteer-based organization and welcomes members from every sphere of the UCT community.
If you are a UCT student or staff member and would like to join our Vula site, please click here. We welcome questions, comments and contributions from the public too. Please send these to us at
Being a GCI member
There are many different ways that you can help make UCT more sustainable. Many of the sustainability projects at UCT were started up by concerned students or staff who wanted to make a difference.
If you’re interested in living a ‘greener’ lifestyle, but are unsure of what that entails or what the first steps might be, visit the Cape Town Green Map website. There you will find information on recycling, smart living, gardening, etc. – practical changes that you can make to your daily life that will bring you that much closer to your ideal green lifestyle.
Another possibility, and one which most people perceive as rather expensive, is ordering fresh organic vegetables through Harvest of Hope. Affordable organic vegetables, grown locally, and distributed for your convenience. They do weekly deliveries to campus and various other central points in the city.
The GCI would love new ideas on how to make UCT’s campuses more sustainable and environmentally-conscious. If you have any ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.