She is a 78years old seen on 04 September 2015, lives in Mogapinyana village and uses Maokatumo clinic. She was diagnosed with Melanoma of the skin and received radiation from 12-30 May 2015. She is also a known hypertensive and diabetic patient on treatment.
The relatives who attended the palliative care clinic are her grand daughter, daughter and 2counsins. The palliative care team was the oncologist, 2 oncology nurses, the dietician and the social worker.
The patient had 2 daughters and 2 sons. 3 of her children passed away and left with 1 daughter who she stays with.
During the physical needs assessment the patient complained of pain all over the body and was given Morphine PO and amitriptyline 25mg Noct.
Shortage of food was identified and the dietician wrote a letter to the social worker on the type of food o be issued to the patient since she is already on food basket.
No psychological or spiritual problems were identified