
Divide and Rule

One of the most iniquitous moves of the apartheid regime was its policy of enforcing separate areas for different racial groupings, a system which lay at the very core of apartheid. Under this system, the South African government created a series of “Bantustans” where it intended all Blacks, who comprised 70% of the total population, should live. These Bantustans comprised 13% of the total land area of South Africa. This left 87% of the land for the use of the Whites who comprised a mere 13% of the total population. The “Coloured” and Asian members of the population were allocated no land at all beyond limited residential rights in urban areas. Blacks who had farmed land for generations lost their ownership rights and, between 1960 and the early 1980s, an estimated 3.5 million people were removed from their homes, many being relocated in the “Bantustans” or so-called “homelands”.

The poster shows the South African regime’s re-allocation of land according to race under apartheid rule.

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